The Stories I’ve Known Without Being Told

Every Woman
3 min readSep 1, 2018

There are scars and there are bruises that won’t be erased.

In every scar there is always a story. Always. But the carrier of the scar sometimes doesn’t want to share. Some pains have taught us and/or shaped something in us that solidifies us for the future.

but others… Other scars have raised no healing crops in their aftermath. These are the scars for which there was no lesson …. at least not the type that builds you up. These are the scars that bury you in heavy clay, or pushed you under waves until you choked.

These are the scars for which nothing is gained… from its retelling. Only flashbacks and PTSD reactions and a desire to hide or to destroy something. Whether that something you destroy is yourself or someone who loves you immensely or sometimes, in the safest moments, all you destroy are inanimate objects that can easily be replaced or those that are simply thrown away.

and when you discard the damaged pieces, you imagine a piece of that memory is being taken away with it.

At least until the next time…

A lot of these scars are not physical. These are the soul wounds. They float inside the water of the carrier’s eyes. These eyes like pools, like wine glasses fragile beads of deep waters and the aura is tainted by the memory…

Those scars are the ones empaths see and when coming close Empaths dive in and hope like lifeguard the scarred can be brought back to the surface, that maybe these spiritual waters can be filtered, baptized, thoroughly shaken until the debris settles and can be removed piece by piece

so that the scarred can rise up… Phoenix free.

There is ONE experience that all the healed have recounted. and it didn’t matter if they felt someone else had helped in the healing process or if it was a process they handled solo… they all said the same thing

That moment they saw their true self… that firepower of a spirit that had been buried under the clay was finally freed when they recognized that WHO THEY ARE aint got shit to do with what was done to them.

It’s not about who left, not about who touched in wrong ways, not about who beat and battered, not about who neglected … Those were harmful experiences done by harmed and broken and many times, evil and corrupted others.

And inside of this form, what remained unchanged was the fire-light of a spirit. It was just buried under the boulders of trauma, and your Phoenix rises when it can get out of that prison.

For some, there won’t be any freedom. For others, there will. No one knows the secret remedy. No one knows if recovery is even necessary for everyone. All they know is… most of the time… it’s the finding of one’s self that brings you back.

So whatever phase of this path you are is exactly where you need to be.

If you wanna free the light, remember your waters are heavy with liquids that do not serve you well.

Cleanse your spirit.

And if you don’t want to face this alone seek out spiritual and peaceful spaces and people. They exist around you I assure you.

You are never the things that are done to you. You are the Phoenix fire-light that burns within.

I pray you can find your way back to the surface.

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Suggestions to those who are looking for help, for some counseling is an option, for me, I just couldn’t. It just didn’t work for me, but I recommend it for many, especially when you are suffering intensely.

Here are the options that worked for me and will work as great additions to anyone with a counselor as well:

Buddhist temples, Bahai temples, churches, and mosques that give you space to peacefully meditate,

Yoga and Boxing have been a big part of my own healing. And I’ve seen these work for others.

Check out community center calendars for days that these services are available or sign up for any gym or program that looks good for you.

Creativity — painting, writing, sculpting, singing, dancing, acting, etc. are all great ways to filter out the energy inside.

Leave a comment if you have more questions, Love



Every Woman

The Raw and Real Story that women can’t publicly talk about without public condemnation. From dating and sex, to work and parenting, here’s Every Woman.